Sunday, April 18, 2010

Whyy Doo Peoplee Typee Likee Thissss???

UGH! Why does no one bother with spelling or grammar anymore? Seriously! You look like an idiot when you write like that!

Look at this comment on a poem I found: iwsh i had som one who wold love me and car for me but i dow not know wheni fall in love again
Seriously? Is that the best you can do? Have you ever heard of spell check (not that it would help... Some of those it probably wouldn't even recognize...) Do you even TRY? Or do you write like that deliberately?? Do you TALK like that? THEN WHY THE HECK ARE YOU KILLING MY BRAIN?!!


  1. I know, this drives me crazy all the time. And when I point it out people say "Why do you care? People aren't here to please you."
    I know that but if people are here to do one thing it is to preserve themselves, we became civilized when people started developing a written language. And if we don't respect the amazing ability to write, read, and well, USE our language we're just moving backwards.


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