Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dressing and Living my Truth!

Anyway, I'm not sure how much I can say in detail, but a "quick summary" about me in Energy Profiling speak :) .......

According to Carol Tuttle's system, I am a dominant Type 2 with a secondary 1. This means I'm a soft, subtle woman but I'm also very bright and animated. If I'm not comfortable (that goes for both what I'm wearing and the situation or environment I'm in), I can't function properly.

Because of my 2-ness, I am a lot slower in my thinking and talking because I look at it thoroughly. I stay with problems longer. I ask a lot of questions because details are important to me. I gather as much information as I can get. I also GIVE a lot of information (That's one thing I've been struggling with...finding that happy medium of supplying the information without overwhelming). It's because of my attention for detail that I love editing so very much. It comes naturally to me and I understand its importance to the piece as a whole! (heh...piece as a whole....hehehe....kay sorry.)

My 1 is actually pretty strong. It's pretty entertaining--I can get SUPER hyper, but not really to the point of like running and jumping off of things....Because of my 2, I tend to be much more low-key/low-movement. This results in a sensation similar to feeling like I'm going to explode--not being able to get my energy out but needing to! Haha I think my friends enjoy watching me like that...I get really antsy and kind of twitchy, randomly saying things really loud....Yeah. It's great fun. I tend to "brain jump" as well. My thought process is so very random that it gets kind of crazy to follow :)

Because of my 2 I'm a pretty sensitive and caring person. I love to listen to others because I feel like I'm helping. I hate seeing people uncomfortable, so I do my best to cheer others up. One of my best friends says that I wear rose-colored glasses. Couldn't agree more! ^^ I have a very romantic/day-dreamer way of looking at things....Why can't everyone just be happy and loving and hope for the best and such... :) (I'm pretty sure I was a hippy in a previous life haha)

My wanting everyone to be comfortable plays a pretty big part. I tend to put others' comfort before mine. I am often a doormat in this sort of situation. If someone says things should be one way and I disagree, I usually won't press my point, even if I know I'm right.

That's me Living my Truth :)

Wow. One year later.....

So it's already been a year since I started my 90 Days.....WOW. I realized I haven't even given you my final results from last August!! 27 pounds, 33 inches.



I can hardly believe it. And I'm still releasing! But the greatest thing is....I really could care less about the numbers.

I feel fantastic.

Remember that belt I told you about? I still have it, but only to make me smile. I'm now on the shortest hole of the next size smaller. Same deal with my shirts. (MUAHAHAHAHA.....)

I'm feeling great about myself--more confident than ever before. It's the greatest thing in the world to be confident in how you look and feel. I'm discovering this more and more now I'm in High School (which, by the way, is fantastic).

I'm still learning much about myself through experiences I've had at school and with friends. I'm learning what kind of things I can handle, what I'm capable of. I'm pretty strong :)

Over the summer of 2010 I went through quite a change with my appearance, and not just in my size. I started Living my Truth. Check it out, it's pretty awesome. I'm going to have to put this in a new post, because this is going to be freaking long. So :D

Kay, here you go... XD

Yes, this is for you :)

Thank you for making me smile. Thanks for making me XD

Talking to you for hours on end.....It makes even my worst days feel fantastic.

Thank you for the sweet things you tell me. They mean so much....I never know what to do except smile.

You staying up over an hour than you're supposed to just to talk to me... It makes me laugh.

If I fail my classes...It's your fault. Just sayin' :P I freaking can't concentrate because there's always something that reminds me of you and I zone out..... :]

You are so terribly sweet. I really just don't know what to do or say ^^

So thank you.

You mean the world to me :)