Sunday, April 4, 2010

UYIHF 2010... (Part Two)

So after my interesting lunch, I left in search of my friends. I hadn't seen them at any of the tables, and wasn't sure where else I would find them. I wandered outside, and there they were! In a tree!

It turns out while climbing the tree they had found a mysterious wooden box that was about 2 cubic inches... (haha how's that for nerdy?) Inside, there was a folded up note that was full of random things like what the girl (it looked like girl's handwriting, at least) had eaten that day, etc. We had fun laughing at it, because they thought it was some kind of secret coded love note. They wanted to rewrite the note, but they didn't have any paper... (Which was a good thing) Instead, they caught a fly that had drowned in one of my friend's fry sauce and stuck it in the box along with the original note and my friends phone number.... He's still waiting for them to call him :)

So after lunch we went back and sang for like four straight hours. My feet felt like they were going to fall off. There were a many people that would just sit down on the risers until the director would start yelling at them to stand up again... I was sorely (quite literally) tempted to join them, but the director was starting to scare me a bit and I would kick the person in front of me every time I tried to sit. It was that crowded.

After our last practice before the performance, we had about an hour and a half to do whatever we wanted. Instead of sitting (sitting!) and napping like I had planned, my friends and I walked down to the Fresh Market several blocks away. It was actually a LOT of fun!

I got to chat with one of the coolest girls on the planet for like an hour. I had never realized how much we had in common. There were a lot of things that I had never known about her, even though I (very stupidly) thought I knew her pretty well. She gave me the "What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Went Into High School" chat, which was very nice :) Like I said in a previous post, I've been feeling VERY overwhelmed, and she really helped. She was able to answer a lot of my questions and give me very useful tips.

I had never realized that she often feels as left out and out of place as I do. I look at her and think of her as everyone's friend, the person that EVERYONE knows and loves, and the girl that loves performing and making people laugh. Oh, how little I knew! During that walk I learned just how out of place she often feels, even with her best friends. We both kind of hang back from the rest of the group, listen in on conversations, roll our eyes at how immature people can be... She told me how until terrified she is of performing, which really, really surprised me. She's one of the most outgoing, friendly, and talented people I know, and here she is hating to perform. What is this?? She told me that that's one of the reasons that she feels so left out. All of her friends are in the musicals and performing all the time. By the time we got to the store I was feeling very connected with her. There was so much I was learning about her, stuff that I could relate to.

When we got in the store we watched the others go off looking for stuff to buy and break and mess around with. We saw a huge chicken costume by the deli which made us laugh. One of the others found some small watermelons and started chucking them in the air and catching them. That's when we left. The two of us and two other girls walked out of the store to wait for them. My friend told me how she had gotten kicked out of a store when she was in like 5th grade and didn't want it to happen again... So we waited by the four-way stop by the parking lot.

That's when the sex offender comes in.

There was an ad/warning sign on the lamp post on the corner where we were waiting that was warning locals about a sex offender on the loose. It was very disturbing, and it seriously freaked us out, especially one of the other girls. She decided she would not wait any longer without the others. So she called them up. When they didn't answer, she left them a message, something to this effect:

"Hey guys. Hurry up. There's a sex offender on the loose and we need to go. HURRY. Bye."

We all laughed really hard, but sobered up pretty fast when we saw a creepy looking guy across the street from us. He crossed and went the other way, but we were seriously freaked out for a minute. The others came out of the store and we started walking back up.

One of the guys decided he wanted to go on the other side of the street. He crossed while we were still waiting for our light, and when he got over to the other side, my friend looked at us with wide eyes and said, "Guys? What if he's the sex offender? He looks like he could be." We burst out laughing for like the millionth time. He heard us and probably guessed what we were laughing about. He put his hood up and started walking in a really disturbed sort of way... We started screaming and laughing.... *sigh* it was really funny, but we were driving the people in the cars crazy, I think. We took forever crossing the street because one of the girls was throwing her flip flop into the road then wandering over to get it, then wandering back....

Anyway, I was gradually realizing how stupid high school makes many people. I think even more than learning how to better my singing, I learned that much. I was really grateful for my friend. That whole day would have sucked if she wasn't there to help me and pull me in. So thank you, if you're reading this :) You're really awesome and I love you just the way you are!!

(That's pretty much how my whole day was, but if I can't think of anything to talk about for next week's blog, I'll tell you how the performance went. There isn't a whole lot to talk about, but I'm sure I could milk 500 words out of it, if needed. I hope for your sake that I can think of something more interesting!)


  1. Oh, Drue. :) How is that you can always make me smile, even when I don't expect it? I'm hardly the girl you were describing in your post. HARDLY. I was barely even in the same ballpark of that girl last year, and...well...another thing you might not know about me is that when I get into scary situations (scary, for me, being pretty much anything unfamiliar...*sigh*), I stop talking. It doesn't make for much of a friend group. I'm glad I helped you out, though! You helped make my day ten times more bearable, too! Sometimes, when I get around the people who I was so close to last year, it makes me depressed. In fact, if I'm being honest, that happens every single time. No matter what. They're all very... successful, I suppose you could say. And I'm...just...Rosie. :) We'll have to do something soon, okay? I miss seeing your cute face! :D Love ya, Drue.

  2. :D I'm glad you're Just Rosie! I wouldn't have it any other way! (and yes, we do need to do something!)
    Love you too! :Drue


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