Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fortune Cookie Writer

"Try a new hairstyle tomorrow."

Come on! Is that the best you can do? That's EASY. I should be a fortune cookie writer. I could give people great advice:

"Never do that again."

"Turn that frown upside down!"

"Dream your life or live your dream." (Credit goes to Destrie on that one)

Actually, just tonight I was eating a fortune cookie from last night's take-out (Gourmet Garden! Woot!) while I was trying to come up with blog ideas (this blog is the result): "Work on ideas that are creative and can bring fine results." I could not stop laughing! I had just been telling my mom how I could not for the life of me think of anything to blog about! (In fact, that's what got me on my Murphy's Law blog, too. It's so weird when these coincidences come up!)

Anyway, I just thought I would share with you my FORTUNE COOKIE MISFORTUNE.


I was just thinking about how awesome of a mystery title that would make.

(I called it! It is now [not] copy writed!)

1 comment:

  1. I have officially read all your posts. :) And I think you are an AMAZING writer. And hilarious. Seriously. :)


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