Saturday, October 24, 2009



They drive me crazy.

They get all these weird ideas about what you're supposed to do when you get into junior high. Like dating.

Last year, I was in the girls' bathroom before school. There were two sevvies in there that were giggling and squealing. This was a long time ago, so this isn't word for word. But it was so funny I remembered more than I usually can. And I'm not exaggerating with the whole Valley Girl stuff. Their conversation went something like this:

"Oh Em Gee! You won't BELIEVE who just asked me out!"

"I bet I can guess his name; was it 'James'?"

"YES! How did you know??"

"Well, you've been flirting with him all week. How could he not ask you out after all that??"

"Oh Em Gee you are so right!! Anyway, we're going steady now."

"Oh Em Gee! Did he say that?"

"No, but we will be soon!"

"Oh Em Gee! So have you made out yet??"

"No, we are after school. We're meeting at James' locker."

I went to class just laughing because I couldn't believe how idiotic they both were. After school that SAME day, I was waiting outside for my mom to pick me up. I see the two girls surrounded by a posse of other sevvie girls. The girl from the bathroom was bawling. The rest of the girls were patting her back and giving her hugs and crying and and saying things like, "Don't worry; he'll see how much of an idiot he was to break up with you" and "You poor thing! You must feel terrible" or "I don't know how you'll be able to come to school tomorrow and face that jerk"...... etc, etc, etc......

Seriously, people?? Coming into junior high does NOT mean that you have to being going out with someone! Do they think they need to do that to keep up with the Smiths and the Joneses of the school? Why do they think the Joneses' standards and ideals are even worth keeping up with? Junior high romances are just silly and they never last anyway!! I mean, look at that! That lasted for ONE DAY. And then they broke up. Pathetic.

Who can even understand sevvies' mentalities? This is my theory on what MUST be going through everyone's heads:

5th grade and below - dating is a no-no and boys & girls still have cooties.
6th grade - minor crushes, but no dating. It's still just stupid.
7th grade - DATING DATING DATING. IT'S THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL FIT INTO JUNIOR HIGH. We both like each other, so now we're 'going steady'.... etc etc. Everyone pairs off and actually goes on dates OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL, like to the movies and stuff.
8th grade - Wow. We were idiots last year. And tiny idiots at that. No more dating outside of school, but a few people pair off and are 'going out', but only at school.
9th grade - WHY ON EARTH ARE THEY GOING OUT??? THEY'RE SUCH IDIOTS!!!! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!! YOU ARE WAY TOO YOUNG TO BE PAIRING OFF!!! Very few 9th graders pair off anymore, but there are always the groups of friends that will hang out together. It isn't considered dating.
+10th grade - not sure yet. we'll see when we get there.

Don't get me wrong, I like dating. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to meet wonderful people. It has its place, just NOT in junior high!

Anyone agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think! (please! I like comments!)


  1. Man, drue. I gotta say that was one of the FUNNIEST things I have read in a long time. It's funny because it's insanely beyond true. I mean, I've always laughed at and mocked people who 'go out' and they're like ten. Personally, I've never gotten why they do it and why they think they're so "cool" for it. It's just funny. But anyhow, I agree. It's just funny. And stupid.

  2. haha thanks :D glad i made you laugh!


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