Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dressing and Living my Truth!

Anyway, I'm not sure how much I can say in detail, but a "quick summary" about me in Energy Profiling speak :) .......

According to Carol Tuttle's system, I am a dominant Type 2 with a secondary 1. This means I'm a soft, subtle woman but I'm also very bright and animated. If I'm not comfortable (that goes for both what I'm wearing and the situation or environment I'm in), I can't function properly.

Because of my 2-ness, I am a lot slower in my thinking and talking because I look at it thoroughly. I stay with problems longer. I ask a lot of questions because details are important to me. I gather as much information as I can get. I also GIVE a lot of information (That's one thing I've been struggling with...finding that happy medium of supplying the information without overwhelming). It's because of my attention for detail that I love editing so very much. It comes naturally to me and I understand its importance to the piece as a whole! (heh...piece as a whole....hehehe....kay sorry.)

My 1 is actually pretty strong. It's pretty entertaining--I can get SUPER hyper, but not really to the point of like running and jumping off of things....Because of my 2, I tend to be much more low-key/low-movement. This results in a sensation similar to feeling like I'm going to explode--not being able to get my energy out but needing to! Haha I think my friends enjoy watching me like that...I get really antsy and kind of twitchy, randomly saying things really loud....Yeah. It's great fun. I tend to "brain jump" as well. My thought process is so very random that it gets kind of crazy to follow :)

Because of my 2 I'm a pretty sensitive and caring person. I love to listen to others because I feel like I'm helping. I hate seeing people uncomfortable, so I do my best to cheer others up. One of my best friends says that I wear rose-colored glasses. Couldn't agree more! ^^ I have a very romantic/day-dreamer way of looking at things....Why can't everyone just be happy and loving and hope for the best and such... :) (I'm pretty sure I was a hippy in a previous life haha)

My wanting everyone to be comfortable plays a pretty big part. I tend to put others' comfort before mine. I am often a doormat in this sort of situation. If someone says things should be one way and I disagree, I usually won't press my point, even if I know I'm right.

That's me Living my Truth :)

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