Sunday, February 21, 2010

No, it's not high school.....

Tall school. Big school. Large school. HUGE school.

High just doesn't cover it.

I found that out on Wednesday when my peers and I (haha) went over to the high school for a "Sophomore Orientation" tour and introduction (a.k.a. Let's All Stare At The Tiny People). Sure, I've been to Davis before, but never during school hours. It's amazing how much of a difference having students in the halls and classrooms makes.

I felt small again. I felt like a sevvie. I felt like they were all staring at me, thinking, "Oh, great, more tiny people. Let's stare at them until they feel even more self-conscious."

(not done, but it's late.... i'm going to bed... I'll finish this later when I'm awake...)


  1. It's not that terrible. You get used to it pretty soon. I remember the first day I went to school in 10th grade and got lost because I was out of the country, missing the Orientation day during the summer. Now that was bad.

    Anyway, thanks for the comment on my blog.


  2. Oh, I promise, it'll get worse. Just wait until the first day of next year, my friend. You'll see. And we weren't saying 'look how small they are'. We were saying 'why are there no boy-girl groups? There is NO way that we would've been like that in 9th grade'. It's surprisingly easy to navigate around, however. And as long as you have quick feet, you won't have to worry about getting squished in the halls. :)

  3. oh yeah thanks guys.... haha :)
    Rosie, do you mean we were mixed or no? They put us in groups by what rows we were sitting in, and most of them were all girls/boys.....


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