Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Resolutions...

WOOT! IT'S THE NEW YEAR!! Actually, it has been for a while now, but I'm only now getting around to talking about it.

It is now a week after coming back from a long, 2 week vacation. And it's hard to go back to school. It's even harder when you were (and still are) sick. Like me. I have had this blasted head cold for over 2 weeks now. (it's driving me crazy! It just won't go away!) Because of this cold, it put very much unwanted pressure on my ears, which has been making me insanely dizzy. As we speak (read?), my computer is revolving and the keys are like one giant spacebar. I can't focus on anything! I ended up missing Wednesday through Friday last week because I could NOT go to school. I would have been running into people and coughing all over them, and I am all fuzzy headed.....


Anyway, how about we talk about New Year resolutions? just like everyone else in the world is?

I'm really trying hard this year to keep a more positive attitude. (I'm doing really good, aren't I? Just look at that overview of being sick!) I was thinking earlier about my homework, specifically, and how I always beat myself up (not literally, so stop freaking out) about how bad my grades are. I have set the bar so high for myself that, when I don't reach it, I get really frustrated. I've decided that I need to realize that as long as I'm doing my best, that's good enough.

My other resolution was to try to get more sleep.... By getting to bed earlier and waking up earlier..... I'm doing really good with this one, too, right? Nope. It's 12:30 am. And my mom is standing over my shoulder telling me to GO. TO. BED.



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