Of all the laws in the world, I think Murphy's is the most accurate. Thomas Moore once said (that sounds cheesy, I know):
I never had a slice of bread,
Particularly large and wide,
That did not fall upon the floor,
And always on the buttered side.
It's surprisingly true. It's almost like watching something in slow motion. You watch something like your bread falling and think 'Just watch, I'll bet it falls on the buttered side....' and then it does. Thank you, Mister Murphy!
But I'm not here to talk about bread and butter!
Let's talk about turtles instead!
Yes, I said turtles.
Have you ever been at a party where after a lot of talking, there is a really looooong, awkward silence? It lasts forever. No one knows what to say, and everyone fears that they will make fools of themselves if they open their mouths. After about five minutes of this, everyone decides to say something at the same time. It's really weird! And very awkward!
That very thing happened to me when I was about nine years old. My siblings and I were eating our lunch and it was DEAD. SILENT. None of us said a word (which was really weird because, if you know me, I talk all the time). Then, my brother and I said simultaneously, “Well, this is awkward."
And it certainly was.
But it was a good conversation starter! We all started laughing and that got us talking.
I want to hear about awkward situations that have to do with Murphy’s Law. Have any good ones? Please comment! :)
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